For those that don’t know, the Garmin Forerunner 305, is a watch-styled GPS for runners. It tracks location, distance, pace, heartrate, time and probably 50 other things. The really cool thing for geek runners is that you can upload all of the data to your computer.
I love to have a running log, but I have a terrible memory. Before Big Red, I would always try to remember to write down all of my runs, try to remember the time and the distance. HA! I would forget have of the runs, or forget one or two important details.
Not just that, but in order to figure out distance, I had to either drive the route beforehand with my car, or try to use Google maps. Google maps can have a lag however, and I often found I was running on roads that didn’t exist according to Google maps. I also had to run to particular points (such as road crossings) that I could easily remember (there we go with that memory thing again) in order to plot them later on. And forget being spontaneous. If I wanted to run a particular distance, I had to run the route I planned, no matter what. I couldn’t change my mind and run a different route, unless it was one I had already plotted.
Then came Red. Now, I can run wherever I want and know exactly how fun I have run. Not only that, but I can see my pace while I’m running, not just after. You can set the Garmin to “auto-lap”, which means every mile (or kilometer, your choice), it marks a new lap. Then when you view the uploaded data, you can see how long each lap took.
Red also tracks elevation changes. Really nice when you see mile 3 took you the longest, and oh, look at that, it’s because there is a giant hill at mile 3. I found out some interesting tidbits about my running that I never realized before Big Red. I run faster uphill than downhill!
Different models come with different options, mine is the 305, so mine came with a heartrrate monitor. I wore the strap in the first six months or so of use. It was very useful for seeing how much farther I could push my running than I was at the time. Now, I’m not so into pushing, so haven’t been wearing the monitor, but it is a nice tool to have.
When I first got Red, you could upload your data to www.motionbased.com, Garmin’s site. Now you can upload your data to www.runningahead.com, my all time favorite running website, which has a really cool running log and great forums.
The Garmin Forerunner 405 is the latest model. Although it is a little smaller, I have heard some complain that it is too small, i.e. it’s too hard to read while running. People always ask me if it bothers me to wear Big Red. NO! I am very finicky about what I wear while running, too. I hate to even wear sunglasses and usually skip them, unless it’s a bright sunny day after a big snowfall and the snow glare is so bad I’ll go blind. So even though sunglasses bother me (and headbands and gloves), Big Red doesn’t bother me at all. It did take some adjustment, but I don’t even notice it now.
Anyway, I love my Garmin. If you are a runner, I recommend getting one. If you are a runner and a tech geek, then I HIGHLY recommend you get one. :)
I agree 100%. I got a 305 about a year ago after agonizing about whether I'd be happy with the next-to-latest model. Now that I have it, it's awesome and I can't do without it. I love the auto mile feature, the heart rate monitoring, and the ability to know your distance even when you run a random path. But for me the biggest thing is to have great data on past runs because I love seeing progress over time, even if it's only a tiny bit. Before I was too lazy to keep good timing data and I never had a way to keep heart rate. The size when running is absolutely no problem - I like having a big screen so I can see everything I want to see. It makes me more motivated to run.
ReplyDelete- Brian (a 49 year old Notes dev geek and runner)
Hi Kathy
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more! I've had my 305 for nearly two years now and love it. I don't know what I did before I had it. I also use it for recording the walks and cycle rides I do.
I don't like uploading my training data to public websites so I use SportTracks (http://www.zonefivesoftware.com/SportTracks/)for keeping a log and analysing my runs. For my needs, its great - so much better than the software Garmin ship with the watch.
Is this good for biking or walking? Or is it really just designed for running? It looks really cool but I am not a runner, but love speed walking and biking.
ReplyDeleteIt would be excellent for walking. I'm not sure about biking. I know Garmin sells one specifically for biking, but it may just be that it's bigger since it's on your bike, not on your wrist.
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention that it's great for trails, too. While it doesn't show trail maps, if you do get lost, you can at least back track using the Garmin. I know someone that did it!
How about tree coverage?
ReplyDeleteI had one of the original's, the Ironman GPS that had a unit that you velcro'd to you arm, it was awful for running under trees.
Either way, this does sound like a very nice addition to my gadget family. The auto-lap or auto-mile is priceless, I didn't know such a feature existed and has me now Really wanting one of these.
I haven't had any problems with trees and I live in rural New Hampshire. I don't do any trail running, but I do know some people that do and they haven't had any problems that I know of. I've also run in downtown Boston, and was worried about the buildings, but no problems.
ReplyDeleteI had heard someone ask about snow, but again, I've never had any problems.
The only problem occurs in one spot in the town I work in, it just takes a little bit longer to get the satellite. Holding still when you first power it on really helps.
I honestly don't know anyone that has purchased it and disliked it. And I've convinced a lot of people to purchase one! :)
I got my 105 over 4 years ago (wanted a replaceable battery and don't want to know my heart rate!). It will 'guess' while you are under trees until you come out, and is pretty accurate. Mine has a mode where I can set it for biking or running (because of the guessing thing). Adds a whole new dimension ro running!